Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Be Prepared, Idols are Falling

Dream given to Ryan McNeely by God

This dream is not open to debate. Questions or insight are welcome.

“I was in a reddish brown brick medical type building with windows that where tinted on multiple floors. Then I was inside and was looking for Jack and then I was in a room that there were people holding me down and then a female approached me with a long q-tip and was trying to put it in my nose, on the end of it there was a red swirl I wouldn’t let them put it in me. I broke free and ran out through the building looking for Jack I exited the building and found a motorcycle I took off and they were trying to catch me. I was going down a road that looked like a desert with a paved rd in the middle of it and I looked to my right and saw a tree that was dead and there where crows in it and a rope hanging from its branches. And I heard, “The betrayer will be exposed you have prayed for the betrayer to be exposed and they will be exposed no matter the height or depth they will be exposed.”

Then I was somewhere in the desert and felt safe it was dark outside and I could see the sun coming up and I said that must be the east and pointed to it. While I was watching the sun rise I saw a Red horse coming out from the sky and it ran across the sky and out of sight. And I felt like this was a HUGE warning that the second of the four horsemen had been released. And for God’s people to be like the 10 virgins and be ready with out lamps full and wicks trimmed. Revelation 6:3 says “And there appeared another horse, Red like fiery flames, and it’s rider was given a great sword and power to take peace from the earth causing one to put to death another.

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